Thom Hartmann - Mon 6am, 8am & 3-5pm

Like Democracy Now, this program looks at the news and issues of the day from a progressive perspective. The show is all about returning to a people centered democracy.  

PoetsWest - Mon 6:00pm

J. Glenn Evans hosts this inspiring program of poetry, stories, music, and interviews with the leading poets of the Northwest.

This Month: Poems about Mothers.

Making Contact - Mon 6:30pm

The pandemic exposed stark inequalities around the world, especially in terms of vaccine access, leading to the deaths of untold thousands in the global south. Amid ongoing challenges, activists and scientists continue to push for broader healthcare equity, navigating patent barriers to ensure fairer access to essential medicines.

Democracy Now! - Tue 5am, 7am, 5pm

Democracy Now! is a daily progressive, nonprofit, independently syndicated news hour. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez host. Heard at 5am, 7am and 5pm.

Thom Hartmann - Tue 6am, 8am & 3-5pm

Like Democracy Now, this program looks at the news and issues of the day from a progressive perspective. The show is all about returning to a people centered democracy.