You Have an Impact!

Just $5, $10, $15, or $20 a month has a big impact on KSER!

KSER plays a vital role in our community, educating the public on important issues and spotlighting the work of numerous other service, educational, governmental and arts organizations that enhance the quality of life in here in the North Puget Sound. When you support KSER, you help us amplify the reach and impact of other people making a difference in our community. 

Every year, KSER donates in excess of $120,000 in free airtime to non-profit organizations, community groups, and local governments to help them serve our community. Our local news and public affairs programs connect you to information, events and opportunities in your community. 

The breadth and depth of the music on KSER is unlike any other radio station - and it's free of commercial interruption! Our local music hosts share their musical vision and knowledge with you each week, and connect you to local concerts and performances throughout our region. Live interviews and performances on KSER connect you with the artistry and passion in the music community and enrich your understanding and appreciation of music.

KSER provides you all these services on a modest budget, most of which comes from individual contributers like you.

What ever you contribute, $5 a month or $50 a month, you make a difference when you support KSER.


Without YOUR support, the service you enjoy can't survive and grow.

Learn more about KSER in our 2006 and 2007 Foundation Annual Reports.


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