
  • Democracy Now! is a daily progressive, nonprofit, independently syndicated news hour. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez host. Heard at 5am, 7am and 5pm.

  • Like Democracy Now, this program looks at the news and issues of the day from a progressive perspective. The show is all about returning to a people centered democracy.  

  • Left, Right & Center is KCRW’s weekly civilized yet provocative confrontation over politics, policy and pop culture. David Greene hosts a discussion of the week’s news and issues with thought leaders on the Right and Left, and expert guests.

  • Alternative Radio is an internationally syndicated, one-hour, weekly radio program, featuring serious interviews with humanitarian and progressive thinkers. Host, David Barsamian.

  • For over four decades New Dimensions has been gleaning experience and inspiration from some of the world’s most innovative, enlightened, and trustworthy wisdom leaders as it sows the seeds of encouragement and confidence.




    9a - 10,000 Good Songs
    12n - Sunlit Room with John Barleycorn
    7p - Caribbean Sounds with Noel Williams
    8:30p - Blue Moon Lounge w/David Ballew
    10:30 - Primarily Prog or Mainstream


    9a - Sunlit Room or 10,000 Good Songs
    12n - Sunlit Room with RC
    7p - Nordic Roots & Branches with Karen
    8:30p - Celtic Caravan with Joe Fitch
    10:30p - Convergence Zone with Jim Causey


    9a - Sunlit Room with Steve Aagard
    12n - Sunlit Room with Tracy
    7p - Poptopia Parkway with Lon Palmer
    8:30p - From Here to Obscurity w/Jerry Bennett
    10:30p - Blues Odyssey (R)


    9a - Sunlit Room with Paul Faughnan
    12n - Sunlit Room or 10,000 Good Songs
    2p - Alice's Restaurant & Seasonal Selections
    7p - Clancy's Bar & Grill
    9p - A Good Time with Uncle Pat


    9a - Music Showcase: Beatles in America 1964, Part 2
    10a - 10,000 Good Songs
    12n - Sunlit Room w/Steve Aagard
    7p - Passport with Leilani
    8:30p - Twenty Flight Rock with Delvin
    10:30p - Dead Electric with David Haldeman